Multipole has released the all-new Banner Raising System which allows banners to be installed or maintained without the need for expensive access equipment.

rsz rochfort gallery 168 series3
Banner Raising System installed on Multipole 168 Series in North Sydney.

Banners are increasing in popularity, especially with local councils who use banners for raising community awareness of events. The availability of banner advertising space is also a potential revenue stream for councils.

Replacing banners can require hiring expensive access equipment, not to mention traffic management planning and road closures etc. The new Banner Raising System from Multipole runs on a patented track system. Banners can be easily replaced with low-level access rather than requiring access to the finished height of the banner.

The optional patented braking system prevents the banner from falling unexpectedly during installation or maintenance. If the operator lets go of the rope or the rope fails, the banner raising system locks into place, ensuring the safety of the operator.

The Multipole Banner Raising System can be retrofitted to existing Multipole smart poles or specified in place of a static banner system for improved safety and lower maintenance costs.
