
First Parramatta Road Smart Poles installed by Inner West Council

The first Parramatta Road poles have been installed in Leichhardt NSW by Inner West Council. These poles are the first of hundreds of pole to be rolled out along Parramatta Road and the surrounding streets over the coming years.

The Parramatta Road poles are capable of supporting large banners and catenaries as well as a range of smart city accessories.

For more information on these recently released poles, visit our Parramatta Road product page.

Multipole Awarded Contract for Smart poles along Parramatta Road

Multipole has secured a contract with a consortium of Sydney Councils including Inner West Council, Cumberland Council, Burwood Council, Strathfield Council, Canada Bay Council and City of Parramatta to supply multi-function smart poles for the Government’s $198 million upgrades planned for Parramatta Road.

The project is part of the NSW Government’s 30-year plan spanning several Sydney council areas including Inner West, Cumberland, Burwood, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Parramatta Council areas and is a major road transport corridor connecting the CBD with Parramatta.

Multipole, part of the Goldspar Group, has been manufacturing and supplying smart city solutions across Australia and overseas including the United Arab Emirates and North America, for 40 years and was the original designer of the smart pole.

“We look forward to working with the councils involved in delivering a consistent, future-proof lighting and smart pole design along the Parramatta Road corridor,” Goldspar Australia Executive Manager Anthony Hayman said.

“The award of this contract follows on from the company’s success in supplying smart poles for award-winning projects in Western Australian like Rockingham Foreshore and Elizabeth Quay as well as South Eveleigh in Sydney and Australian National University”, he added.

Photo Caption: Artist’s impression of how Pyrmont Bridge Road could look in the proposed revitalisation of the Parramatta Road corridor. CREDIT: GREATER SYDNEY COMMISSION

Rockingham Foreshore awarded 2020 WA Landscape Architecture Awards

Congratulations to Place Laboratory (Landscape Architects) and ETC (Electrical Engineering Consultants) on the announcement that Rockingham Beach Foreshore Revitalisation project has won the Award of Excellence in the Tourism category and the Award of Excellence in the Parks and Open Space category at the recent WA Landscape Architecture Awards.

Marine-grade aluminium with striking colour anodising was specified for the bespoke light pole designs to maintain their original beauty in the harsh coastal conditions as well as ease of maintenance including paint graffiti removal.

The Bespoke design, including elegant tapered masts support lighting, CCTV, banners and other technology like weather sensors enhancing the safety and comfort of the community enjoying the new foreshore area.

Visit our Rockingham Foreshore Project page for more information.

Keeping your Project on Track

With restrictions still in place or starting to lift gradually depending where you are located, our towns and cities are starting to return to a new kind of normal. When it comes to keeping your project on track, the delivery of products at the right time can be critical.

Being an Australian owned and operated company for over 40 years, Mulitpole has reliable, local supply and manufacturing capability and has continued to manufacture and supply products to keep our customers working over recent months.  As well as offering the widest range of multifunction poles, we can also provide reliable delivery date estimates so you can keep your project on track.

Please contact us if we can assist you with a quote for Australian made multifunction poles for your project via our request a quote page or calling 02 9997 1211.

Six Insider Tips for Specifying Multi-Function Poles

If you are responsible for specifying smart multi-function poles within your company or government organisation, here are answers to six questions which give you an insight into important aspects you may not have considered.


  1. How easy is it to add accessories in the future?

Councils and Project Managers can plan for what they need today but needs can change in the future.  Councils will benefit if they ensure the smart multi-function poles they specify are future-proofed. That is, accessories and technology that may not be available yet, can be added to existing poles in the future.

The ability to attach additional accessories and functionality in the future largely depends on whether the poles you specify incorporate a track or other similar system.

Accessory tracks allow for installation of accessories on a pole either at the time of installation or at a later date with relative ease.  A track system enables installation of multiple accessories, on multiple sides of the pole and at multiple heights.

Multipole’s unique track system allows the movement of accessories along the full length of the accessory track.  Multipole can supply a comprehensive range of track mounting kits and arms that can be customised for just about any device, even outdoor clocks.

The track system is especially beneficial when fitting accessories like a banner raising system which enables installation and replacement of banners without the use of access equipment, even if there are other accessories already installed.

Some pole designs include bolts along the accessory tracks which inhibit free movement of accessories along the full length of the track. This may prevent the use of a banner raising system. Separate tracks are available to add to these types of poles to enable the installation of additional accessories which require this capability like a banner raising system.

There are poles available where accessories are added to the pole via “stackable” modules. To add functionality at a later date to these poles, a qualified electrician or similar is required to pull the pole apart in order to install the new accessories.  This can be a very expensive and involved process.

The stackable system does not enable the installation of a banner raising system whereby banners can be lowered to an accessible level for replacement because it does not run on a track system which allows the banner to slide along the full length of the pole.


  1. Are all multi-function poles frangible?

Some poles are frangible and some may not be. It depends on what the pole is made of and how it is installed.

Multi-function poles available from Multipole have been proven to be frangible. This was confirmed through tests undertaken on the Multipole 300 Series poles by Northrop Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd based in Sydney, Australia. The test results confirmed that the Multipole 300 Series complies with Lighting Roads and Public Spaces Appendix B as an impact absorbing frangible pole. The test calculations are based on the scenario given in the Vic Roads Specification for the supply of “Frangible Street Lighting Poles”.

Steel poles or aluminium poles with a steel core are not frangible. It is important to note if the poles you are specifying are required to be frangible because of their proximity to the road.  In these situations, you need to ensure the pole you specify is frangible.


  1. Are all multi-function poles waterproof?

Multi-function poles need to be rated to IP65 as they house expensive high tech equipment.

There are a couple of areas on a pole which can make it vulnerable to water ingress.  This includes the transition from base to mast and the hatch usually contained on the base which gives access to internal electronics.

The transition on all Multipole poles are designed to disperse moisture or condensation running down the pole to the outside of the pole or cladding. This ensures that moisture is kept away from internal electronics.

The style of access hatch can also affect the waterproof rating.  Multipole offers sliding hatches which provide superior waterproof properties but also mean the hatch is kept securely fixed to the pole and does not go missing.

The complete range of poles from Multipole are designed to be IP65 compliant to withstand ingress by low-pressure water from any direction. It is recommended that all internally mounted high-tech equipment be IP68 rated for double protection.


  1. Is a special coating required to prevent rust and corrosion from developing at the base of the pole?

Best practice for all aluminium poles is to coat the base and feet above ground level with Dulux Durebild STE. Barium Chromate should be applied if dissimilar metals are co-joined, for example, aluminium pole with a steel core. This helps to minimise corrosion of the metals due to exposure to the elements.

Steel poles which have been galvanised need to have this coating checked regularly as it can get removed over time if there is vegetation around the base of the pole. The coating is gradually removed by grass trimming equipment like a whipper snipper which leaves the steel exposed to the elements and is then susceptible to rust and corrosion. This coating should be checked regularly to ensure this does not occur.

There is no requirement to regularly check aluminium poles with a clear anodised finish as the finish is not compromised even if it is in an area regularly trimmed with a whipper snipper.


  1. Which finish is easier to maintain and looks best in the longer term?

Based on industry experience, a clear anodised finish for marine-grade aluminium is the most durable and is recommended for heavy-duty environments.  Clear anodising provides protection from extreme weather conditions (including coastal) and also damage like graffiti. With a clear anodised finish, graffiti can be removed using solvent thinners (non-alkaline) ensuring the pole will look its best for its lifetime.

Other finish options available include colour anodising and powder coating in a wide range of colours if you require a particular colour but the clear anodised finish is the easiest to maintain.


  1. Which is more environmentally sustainable? Aluminium or steel?

Aluminium boasts half the carbon footprint of steel delivering environmental sustainability benefits.  Aluminium is 100% recyclable and the recycling process requires 5% of the energy used to create new aluminium, making recycling aluminium highly efficient. Remarkably 75% of the aluminium ever produced is still in use today.

Marine-grade structural aluminium (6000 Series alloys) has the equivalent strength of mild steel but will last up to four times longer with minimal to no maintenance requirements.   These benefits are especially evident in a marine or coastal setting.  Municipalities and local governments have a lot to gain from switching to aluminium smart light poles as they only have to pay for them once in 100 years whereas a steel pole has only a twenty-five year life cycle.

A third of the weight of steel, aluminium poles are less expensive to transport and also install.  Faster installation times using half the labour delivers substantial savings on installation costs for a project.

In addition to being more environmentally sustainable, aluminium boasts superior visual appeal with smooth, sharp lines. It is no surprise that it is the preferred material for architects.

Multipole, Australian owned and operated, offers locally sourced and manufactured marine-grade structural aluminium multi-function poles. Multipole is also certified to ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management Systems ensuring the complete manufacturing process complies with ISO 14001 requirements.

Some of our trusted partners

Emergency Electrician Northern Beaches

Concreter Northern Beaches

Electrician Inner West Sydney

Gutter Cleaning Expert 








Lower your Maintenance Costs with New Banner Raising System

Multipole has released the all-new Banner Raising System which allows banners to be installed or maintained without the need for expensive access equipment.

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Banner Raising System installed on Multipole 168 Series in North Sydney.

Banners are increasing in popularity, especially with local councils who use banners for raising community awareness of events. The availability of banner advertising space is also a potential revenue stream for councils.

Replacing banners can require hiring expensive access equipment, not to mention traffic management planning and road closures etc. The new Banner Raising System from Multipole runs on a patented track system. Banners can be easily replaced with low-level access rather than requiring access to the finished height of the banner.

The optional patented braking system prevents the banner from falling unexpectedly during installation or maintenance. If the operator lets go of the rope or the rope fails, the banner raising system locks into place, ensuring the safety of the operator.

The Multipole Banner Raising System can be retrofitted to existing Multipole smart poles or specified in place of a static banner system for improved safety and lower maintenance costs.

Aluminium is the Smart Choice for Smart Cities

Aluminium is rapidly becoming the preferred material for poles specified for Smart Cities in Australia as well as globally. The popularity of aluminium is due to several factors including superior longevity, reduced installation and maintenance costs and environmental sustainability benefits of aluminium over traditional steel poles.

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Aluminium was the natural choice for bespoke solar poles at Mona Vale Beach pool.

Marine-grade structural aluminium (6000 Series alloys) has the equivalent strength of mild steel but will last up to four times longer with minimal to no maintenance requirements.   These benefits are especially evident in a marine or coastal setting.  Municipalities and local governments have a lot to gain from switching to aluminium smart light poles as they only have to pay for them once in 100 years whereas a steel pole has only a twenty-five year life cycle.

A third of the weight of steel, aluminium poles are less expensive to transport and also install.  Faster installation times using half the labour delivers substantial savings on installation costs for a project.

Aluminium boasts half the carbon footprint of steel delivering environmental sustainability benefits.  Aluminium is also 100% recyclable and recycling requires 5% of the energy used to create new aluminium, making recycling aluminium highly efficient. Remarkably 75% of the aluminium ever produced is still in use today.

Aluminium is available in a range of finish options, including durable anodising or powder coating in a wide range of colour options to suit any project specifications.  It is worth asking what material is being specified for the smart poles in your next project.

Goldspar First to Achieve New Quality Standards

Throughout its 40 years in business, Goldspar Australia has always prided itself on maintaining the highest quality products and operating systems. Today it was made official.

Goldspar underwent a successful audit by Compass Assurance Services in November 2019, and as a result, was recommended for accreditation to the internationally recognised ISO 2015 and 2018 awards as follows:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Systems

The above accreditations apply to the design, manufacture and supply of Multi-Function Smart Pole systems, Light Poles and Flag Poles.  Goldspar is the first provider of multi-function smart poles to achieve these standards.

These standards help to ensure Goldspar fully understands what customers want and ensure that they can deliver on those requirements efficiently. They also minimise Goldspar’s impact on the environment and create a better, safer workplace.

“We will not rest even though we have achieved these International Quality Standards,” explained owner Doug Rawson-Harris. “We will continue to work on innovations in product design as well as innovative manufacturing processes to benefit our customers”.

Yagan Square awarded 2019 National Landscape Architecture Award

Congratulations to all collaborators on the Yagan Square project on being awarded the 2019 National Landscape Architecture Award in the Civic Landscape category.

Yagan Square is a project of local and state significance that encapsulates the idea of convergence. Design elements repair and amplify physical connections to adjacent areas, enabling the project to pose as Perth’s new epicentre.

Emblematic Western Australian water geometry, stone and plants feature alongside stories of the Whadjuk Noongar people to create a stimulating and enticing landscape. Yagan Square weaves together an entrancing tale of Western Australia’s history and respectfully considers the traditional owners of the land, while providing common purpose.

Collaborators on the Yagan Square project include Lyons Architects, IPH architects and ASPECT Studios, working with the MRA and Whadjuk Working Group.

300 Series Maxi and 300 Series Mini multi-function poles feature in Yagan Square to support lighting, Wi-Fi, CCTV and public address system.